Saturday 31 August 2013

33 Ways of Developing Al-Khushoo' Humility and Devotion in Prayer by Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid

TITLE: 33 Ways of Developing al-Khushoo' Humility and Devotion in Prayer

AUTHOR: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid

PUBLISHER: International Islamic Publishing House (IIPH)

LANGUAGE: English (Translated from Arabic)

As-Salah is the greatest practical pillar of Islam and Al-Khushoo' means calmness, concentration, humility and being present-minded while performing prayers. Fear of Allah is the most important cause of khushoo' as one always thinks that Allah is always watching him. Making the heart submissive and humble before Allah is one of the most important causes of khushoo', because if the heart is corrupted by the insinuating whispers of Satan, the acts of the body faculties will also be corrupt. Part of khushoo' is being submissive and humbling oneself out of the fear of Allah.

The khushoo' of true faith can be attained when the heart feels aware and humble before the greatness and glory of Allah when one stands for as-Salah full of fear, awe, hope and the recognition of the the blessings if Allah and the reward one seeks by performing as-salah.

In this valuable book, which is highly recommended for every Muslim as it deals with the greatest practical pillar of Islam, the author has efficiently featured out the causes of khushoo' and those of distraction to enable the reader to know the satanic plots and be able to perform this pillar of Islam in the best manner. Since as-salah is the most important practical pillar of Islam and the first obligatory worship act for which reckoning in the Hereafter will take place, such a book becomes indispensable.


HOW TO BUY: click >>> HERE <<<


Sunday 4 August 2013

Fortress of the Muslim by Said bin Wahf al-Qahtani

TITLE: Fortress of the Muslim

AUTHOR: Said bin Wahf al-Qahtani

PUBLISHER: Dakwah Corner Bookstore

LANGUAGE: English (translated from Arabic)

Invocations from the Qur'an & Sunnah. Translation of Hisnul-Muslim

This is a very beautiful booklet consists of many authentic Dua's (supplications) for a Muslim to supplicate on a daily basis and on special occasions.

Author's Note:
This book is an abridgment of my earlier work entitled, Adh-Dhikr wad-Du'a wal-'llaj bir-Ruqyah mina'-Kitab was-Sunnah. In order to make it small and easily portable, I have chosen only the section on words of remembrance for this abridgment. To achieve this, I only mentioned the text of the words of remembrance instead of the entire Hadith. I also limited myself to mentioning only one or two references from the original book for each Hadith. Whoever would like to know about the Companion who related a particular Hadith, or more information about where it is recorded, should refer to the original work (mentioned above). I ask Allah the Glorious, the Mighty, by His beautiful Names and by His sublime Attributes to accept this as having been done sincerely for His sake alone. I ask Him to bring me its benefits during my lifetime and after my death. May those who read it, those who print it, or have had any role in distributing it, benefit from it also. Surely He, glory be unto Him, is Capable of all things. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet, Muhammad, and upon his family and Companions and whoever follows them in piety until the Day of Judgment.

Said bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani, Safar,1409

PAGES: 244

HOW TO BUY: click >>> HERE <<<


Perisai Muslim oleh Said Ali Wahf al-Qahtani

TAJUK: Perisai Muslim

PENULIS: Said Ali Wahf al-Qahtani

PENERBIT: Dakwah Corner Bookstore

BAHASA: Bahasa Malaysia (Terjemahan daripada Bahasa 'Arab)

Buku ini adalah terjemahan Bahasa Melayu dari Hisnul Muslim oleh Sa'id bin Ali Wahf al Qahthani. Himpunan doa dan zikir daripada Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah. Buku ini mengandungi semua jenis doa dalam kehidupan seharian, bermula dari bangun tidur hingga kepada tidur yang berikutnya.


CARA BELIAN: click >>> HERE <<<


Saturday 3 August 2013

Ghoyatul-Murid Keterangan Kitab Tauhid oleh Syekh Shaleh bin Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Aly Syekh

TAJUK: Ghoyatul-Murid Keterangan Tentang Kitab Tauhid

PENULIS: Syekh Shaleh bin Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Aly Syekh

PENERBIT: Darussalam

BAHASA: Indonesia

Para ulama tauhid telah bersepakat bahawa tidak ada dalam Islam kitab tauhid yang disusun seperti kitab ini. Kitab ini adalah kitab dakwah; yang mendakwahkan kepada tauhid, karena syekh (pengarang.Pent) telah menjelaskan di dalamanya tentang dalil-dalil tauhid yang fondamental. Dan menjelaskan pula tentang makna dan keutamaannya, juga menjelaskan tentang hal-hal yang bertentangan dengan tauhid, dan wajibnya rasa takut daripadanya. Beliau menjelaskan tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan tauhid Asma' dan Sifat secara global. Dan menjelaskan pula tentang syirik besar dengan contoh-contohnya, dan syirik kecil juga dengan contoh-contohnya; mejelaskan tentang sarana-sarana yang menghantarkan kepada kedua macam syirik tersebut, sekaligus menjelaskan tentang hal-hal yang harus di lakukan untuk menjaga tauhid dari kedua jenis syirik di atas.

Beliau juga menjelaskan tentang hal-hal ynag berkaitan dengan tauhid Rububiyah. Oleh karena itu, kitab tauhid ini adalah kitab yang sangat agung, yang harus diperhatikan, dengan menghapal, mempelajari dan memahami isinya. Karena di mana saja anda berada anda pasti butuh kepadanya.  


CARA BELIAN: click >>> HERE <<<